This sketch should be titled "will draw".... haa,because i dont need food as motivation to get my pencil moving. but what the heck? wouldnt it be a hell of alot more interesting if his sign read "will draw for food" instead? just makes the pic look more interesting... this sketch came about in my 2d animation class this morning when we were instructed to animate a character moving into a standing position from a relaxed sitting one... this was one of the more exiting animations because i was able to use the principles of animation on a full character rather than the classic "bouncing ball" or whatnot. nevertheless i quickly became board rendered out one of my basic sketches and got this...still a work in progress but im diggin it. if i have time i think im going to end up coloring this baby and adding some kinda backround... 

well, gotta get back to work!!! hope yalls enjoyed (smiles).