a late night sketch.

its late. i figured ide get in a quick sketch before i went to sleep... when it gets late like this i start getting all sentimental. thinking about women... not specific women but  the female form in general. i admire the female form... hell i admire females .their all like walking masterpieces. so unknown. so mysterious yet so inviting. nurturing but quick to chastise im not sure if anyone looks at a women the way i do. or if anyone can. if anyone would want to for that matter... nevertheless; i bring you all a late night sketch... 



  1. I stumbled onto your blog today fam and you got some tight stuff
    I definitely like you style of figure drawing

    This is tight. I like your coloring style alot keep it forreal i would love to see a final version of this fam.

  2. I apprecieate the support hommie! Im srry i was not able to post a reply sooner... I havent been visiting the blog much lately :/. More art and sketches arw on the way! Stop by and check me out!!!

    Thanks again bro.

    -The Original Pencil MC
    Tuscanny Polk
