a late night sketch.

its late. i figured ide get in a quick sketch before i went to sleep... when it gets late like this i start getting all sentimental. thinking about women... not specific women but  the female form in general. i admire the female form... hell i admire females .their all like walking masterpieces. so unknown. so mysterious yet so inviting. nurturing but quick to chastise im not sure if anyone looks at a women the way i do. or if anyone can. if anyone would want to for that matter... nevertheless; i bring you all a late night sketch... 


shock to the system.

what ever happened to my main man Static shock? Maaaan, i remember waking up early on saturdays to catch this guy zooming across my front room tv screen with a big bowl of Fruit Loops planted in front of me. i was  11 years old then. Static shock was my HERO. Virgil and i both kinda had the same hair styles at the time and i felt like i could relate to him.  i dont hear that much about Static these days... this guy gave me sooo much inspiration.hell, he still does. even to this day- i still consider him my hereo.

thanks static.  :D

this piece is still a work in progress, im thinking about adding Rubber Band Man in front of static but im still working on a good position for him... also looking for a good environment to put them im (given my limited canvas real estate).  cant wait to finish. there will be some more, refined Static concepts up soon.